(Really) Geeky Valentine’s Day Ideas

I do a lot with social media, but really all things techy and geeky entertain me. So this past week I went on Fox 10 here in Phoenix to discuss ideas for the geek in your life on Valentine’s Day. Two of the items are gifts, and two are more ideas for having fun.

Unusual Gifts for Geeks

High-tech gadgets for Valentine’s Day

Here are the different items features in the segment, and links to their sites:

Hoodie Laptop/iPad Sleeve
A gift to help your techie significant other keep their gear safe, warm, and stylish. Made from hoodies in all sorts of colors, they’re soft, stylish, unusual, and a pretty safe little case!

Speak No Evil Bowtie
Very odd bow tie, pretty much guaranteed to be something they don’t already have. And beyond just being uniquely stylish, there is a microchip in it that contains the world’s wisdom! If there is a zombie uprising, your loved one with have Army field manuals, language books, and the entire contents of Wikipedia in their bow tie. Also showed off two keychains from the same company, made from recycled computer parts.

iPico mobile project for iPhone
Snaps right onto your iPhone to let you project video or pictures on the wall. Make your date more romantic with some background pictures of your time together, or just to add some ambiance.

Bluetooth powered ultra small location stickers. You can use your smartphone like a radar to track down any of these stickers hidden around. Use them to set up a scavenger hunt around your house leading to gifts or other surprises you have planned.

I’m posting this a bit late for anyone in panic mode for a gift idea for Valentine’s Day this year, but I find you can get extra bonus points for doing something nice for your geek sweetheart (Geekheart?) any day of the year.

Oh, and I’m not paid for promoting any of these things, but I did keep a hoodie cover because they look cool, and one of the tech keychains because, hey, I’m not getting caught unawares when the zombies come!






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