Category: Experiments
Life is tastier when you take risks – Breakfast With Strangers
Back in December of 2012 I saw a thread on Reddit from two people who were driving around the country and trying to meet interesting people for breakfast. They were wondering if anyone in Phoenix could help them out. Let’s see… random connecting with people, looking for good food, a chance to show off Phoenix?…
Mission Possible: Engaging the public and spreading good deeds at ASU
A few months ago I was asked to come in and speak to a Socially Engaged Practice class at Arizona State University (ASU) about flashmobs and engaging the public. I’m an ASU alum, but rarely visit campus so had no idea what to expect. It ended up going quite excellently. In my first trip to…
A mysterious red button – do you push it?
An ominous black box with a small red button sits in a public square in France. First, watch what happens… There are three reasons I adore this idea. It’s fun. This is the most obvious thing about it, but what happens is far beyond just bells and whistles. Dancing lips? Super hugging hands? This is…
The Domino Project
I love to create stories, and I’ve always been fascinated with how ideas wind their way from the people who come up with them into the people who want to hear them. From having a single oral tradition for our myths and legends, we can now use methods that our ancestors would have thought so…
Pandora and The Whiz Dumb of Crowds
Image by National Library NZ on The Commons via Flickr I’m a big Pandora fan, and many moons ago I had an idea to make a spiffy new station – I’d crowdsource it. I put a tweet out asking for what song could you not resist getting up out of your chair and dancing to,…