Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • A Beginner’s Guide to Attending SXSW

    A Beginner’s Guide to Attending SXSW

    This year I’ll be attending my fourth South By Southwest (SXSW) Interactive festival in wonderfully weird Austin, Texas. If you’re not familiar with it, SXSW is an enormous festival with three parts: Music, Film, and Interactive. I would love to attend all three, but usually go just for the Interactive piece. This is where you…

  • Pinterest for Men

    Pinterest for Men

    One of the fastest growing social networks out there has almost entirely been taken over by women! Pinterest is a visual-board sharing site where people can easily share images that catch their eye. They “pin” interesting items to their pinboards, where others can comment, “like” them, and “repin” the images onto their own boards. Technically the…

  • Take action – SOPA and PIPA could destroy the internet… really!

    This may sound overly dramatic, but it isn’t. The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect IP Act (PIPA) are two versions of legislation winding their way through Congress. Both are backed by the entertainment industry as a way (they say) to combat global video and music piracy. The problem is this legislation is…

  • Wondering how Microsoft’s new mobile phone stacks up

    I’ve always been a gadget geek, but developed a serious mobile focus after my stint at Intel. Not only do I love the tech behind smartphones, tablets, and the like, but I’m fascinated with how our increased mobility is shaping the way we communicate and live our lives. We’re connected constantly. There’s no waiting until…

  • My Beef with Klout

    If you’re unfamiliar with Klout, it is a service that tries to measure social influence for people who are active online, and assigns them a score. The goal is to make it easier for companies to identify influencers in a topic area. If you haven’t checked your own score, hop over and take a look.…

Got any book recommendations?